Introducing New Mexico’s Health Care Future

August 4, 2020

SANTA FE – As New Mexico lawmakers consider a state government option that would cause families in the Land of Enchantment to pay more to wait longer for worse care, a new organization called New Mexico’s Health Care Future launched today to advocate for building on what’s working and fixing what’s broken in health care – not force state residents into a new one-size-fits-all government health insurance system controlled by politicians.

The organization believes every New Mexican deserves access to affordable, high-quality health care and we are committed to working together to ensure every state resident has access to the coverage and care they need.  But a state government option puts Santa Fe in control of New Mexicans’ health care decisions, instead of patients, doctors and nurses.  In addition, it “could produce financial hardship to New Mexican households and businesses.”  In fact, the proposal could lead to a nearly $6 billion budget shortfall that may require “additional funding sources … to fully cover the cost of the plan” and would result in higher premiums for New Mexican families.  Families in the Land of Enchantment simply can’t afford a new state government-controlled health insurance system.

New Mexico’s Health Care Future is a project of Partnership for America’s Health Care Future Action.